Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I'm Being Dissed....

...by a 16-yead-old, emancipated girl.

She's smart, quick, has picked up on radio really fast...and she has an attitude towards me that is unfounded.

I have that affect on some women. They just instantly hate me as soon as they see me. What's up with that? I've got 20-some-odd years on her and about 15 years more experience in radio than she does and she looks at me like I don't know my head from a hole in the ground. Yes...I'm rusty. I've been away from radio for over 7 years. But I've probably forgotten more than she knows!

If I ask her to do something in my role as Interim News Director, I get the blank stare. You know the one; like a cow at a passing car? As if she's trying to make up her mind whether it's beneath her to take an order from me. Honey...If I swing this as a full-time gig you've got two options...comply or bail. Resistance is futile. I can be a royal pain in the arse if needs be.

My goal, if I take the full-time job, is what's best for the station. And if you can't follow directions then there's the door. Don't let it hit you in the rear on the way out. And if she thinks she can do it better...more power to her.

Okay...I'm done grousing...I'll go to work with a smile on my face and do my job. The rest of them can deal with it!



Eric said...

LOL Red!! She'd probably file a sexual harrasment lawsuit...she seems to be the kind that hates men in general...


Eric said...

I would if I could but she's good at what she does it's just her attitude towards me stinks...

Besides...she didn't like me from the moment she first saw me. I used to stop by the very same station to visit a friend of mine, he got canned, I got hired...go figure...maybe she blames me?


Eric said...

Still, a kick to the rear end never did any harm. Some people call it harrasment, I like to call it discipline - Non?



Anonymous said...

Well, you weren't doing that good of a job anyway. Go crash another plain. You'll never work in Redding radio again.