Monday, October 31, 2005

Off The Airwaves...

...and into the airways.

Yeah...I'm out of radio...again.

Had a meeting this morning where I was told my salary requirements just weren't in the budget. I knew this was coming when I told them what I needed, minimum, to work there full time. was my last day on the air. I go in tomorrow to turn in my key and get the new Interim News Director up to speed.

Where am I going?

Back to aviation. Fly airplanes for a living. My old boss, when he found out I was available, wanted me back and was able to pay my minimum salary requirements. I start on Wednesday.

Finally...I get to sleep in again!! No more of this 4 am crap!

I feel a lot better. I actually looked forward to Fridays on Tuesdays. I've never had a job where I couldn't wait until Friday.

I'll also have to find another creative outlet. Might pick up my novel and try to finish it. Or maybe sell some photos I've taken. Anyone know how to do that???


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